District Cooling

District cooling plants and networks.

Sewage and Water Treatment

Sewage and water treatment plants.

Electrical Power Substations

Electrical power substation and networks.

Metering Billing Systems

Metering Billing Systems.

Bridges and Earth Retaining Structures

Bridges and earth retaining structures.

Telephone, Data and Low Current Networks

Telephone, Data and low current networks.



Power Land Qatar was founded in Qatar Year 2017.


Power Land Qatar

is a specialised contracting and engineering firm covering electromechanical and structural services within the construction sector.


High Quality Market Performance

Since its establishment, Power Land Qatar has successfully undertaken considerable Projects of the highest International standards Qatar


High Quality Delivery Performance

Over the past 5 years, our Partners, Associates & Colleagues have set a record of success in cooperation with reputable International contractors and consultants.


High Quality Management Performance

Power Land Qatar are managed by a skilled management team with an extensive 30 years of experience handling infrastructure and commercial buildings projects, in both engineering and construction fields

Our Philosophy

Productivity improvements are always of importance and value. As a result, introducing new materials and construction processes is always desirable as long as they are less expensive and are consistent with desired performance.

Quality of work and performance are critically important to the success of a project since it is the clients and end users who will have to live with the results.

In essence, adopting the point of view of the client focuses attention on the cost effectiveness of facility construction rather than competitive provision of services by the different areas (designers, consultant, contractors and subcontractors).

By understanding the entire process, all participants can respond more effectively to the client’s needs in their own work, in marketing their services, and in communicating with other participants. In addition, the specific techniques and tools (such as economic evaluation, scheduling, management information systems, etc.) are also applied to any portion of the process.

Top Customers

Contact Us

P.O. Box 3475 Doha, State of Qatar

+974 4444 2890